Disclosure of Whatsapp Messages in the Covid Inquiry

Disclosure of Whatsapp Messages in the Covid Inquiry Gareth Rhys The King on the application of the Cabinet Office v The Chair of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry [2023] EWHC 1702 (Admin)  In a decision that may come as little surprise to those working in the fields of inquiries and public…

Discharge of Patients into Care Homes and Covid-19

R (Gardner) v Secretary of State for Health [2022] EWHC 967 (Admin) The High Court (Bean LJ and Garnham J) held in R (Gardner) v Secretary of State for Health [2022] EWHC 967 (Admin) that the Government’s March 2020 Discharge Policy and the April 2020 Admissions Guidance were unlawful to…

Unorthodox Covid Views and Medical Regulation

White v General Medical Council [2021] EWHC 3286 (Admin) A case in which the High Court reminds the regulator of requirements for imposing curbs on free speech. Dr Samuel White is a GP. Earlier this year he posted a seven-minute video on Instagram explaining that he had resigned from his…

The Vaccine Damages Payment Scheme

As of 26 July 2021, over 83.8 million vaccines against coronavirus have been given in the UK. Vaccination is continuing at a rate of around 205,000 doses per day. But what can a person do if they suffer a severe disablement due to their vaccine? Since 31 December 2020, one…

Covid-19 and Causation

One key factor that is driving the Government’s response to COVID-19 is the number of deaths. Those are deaths ‘from’ COVID-19, the number of deaths ‘with’ COVID-19, and the number of those who have died with or from COVID-19 who are ‘likely’ to have died within a certain period of…

Abortion and a Woman’s Home

R (on the application of Christian Concern) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2020] EWCA 1546 (Admin)  The High Court refused the Appellant permission to bring a judicial review against the decision of the Secretary of State to approve ‘the home of a woman’ as being a…

Fairness of a Remote Hearing

SC v University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 1445 (QB)  This article originally appeared in a Covid-19 Special Issue (July 2020). The facts  The Defendant Trust applied a week before a clinical negligence trial for its adjournment on the basis that it would be unfair to hold the…

The Civil Justice Council Rapid Review

Civil Justice Council Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Civil Court Users Published The Review  The Civil Justice Council was requested by the Master of the Rolls (Sir Terence Etherton) to conduct a rapid review between 1 and 15 May 2020 on the impact of COVID-19 on the civil…

Being BAME is a Major Risk Factor for Dying of Covid-19 – What Can Be Done About It?

Introduction  This article originally appeared in a Covid-19 Special Issue (July 2020). The Public Health England (“PHE”) review into the disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID deaths was published on 3 June 2020. It was intended to address increasing concerns, notably voiced by the British Medical Association, about the…

A Tribute to Sir John Laws

This article originally appeared in a Covid-19 Special Issue (April 2020). As we in the legal profession struggle and strive to keep pace with all the legal developments and practical guidance being issued in response to Covid-19, it is vital not to lose sight of the tragic human cost it…